This section assumes some level of understanding of Julia as well as the various flavors of staged programming in Julia.

Jaynes implements the generative function interface for Julia functions. To enable these modelling capabilities for normal Julia functions, Jaynes is organized around a set of IRTools dynamos. Here's a rough schema (each inheritor of ExecutionContext may have additional specialized transformations available to it):

@dynamo function (mx::ExecutionContext)(a...)
    ir = IR(a...)
    ir == nothing && return
    return ir

which defines how instances of inheritors of ExecutionContext act on function calls. For those who are unfamiliar with dynamos, the call to recur! wraps each function call in the IR representation of the method which the context is applied to with itself. The "wrapping transform" implemented through recur! is customized to ignore certain calls in Base and Core Julia - with the purpose of making the tracer lightweight, as well as preventing some type stability issues.

As of v0.1.28, the above is slightly untrue - as Jaynes will now automatically address un-addressed sources of randomness in programs. This requires that it recurses into more calls than the initial version - but it still ignores a large set of primitive calls in Base and Core. In "idiomatic" modelling code, the user is almost surely safe.

There are a number of inheritors for ExecutionContext - each generative function interface method gets a context:


Each context has a special dispatch definition which allows the dynamo which defines the context to dispatch on trace calls with user-provided addressing. As an example, here's the interception dispatch inside the GenerateContext (which we just examined in the last section):

@inline function (ctx::GenerateContext)(call::typeof(trace), 
                                        d::Distribution{K}) where {T <: Address, K}
    visit!(ctx, addr)
    if has_value(, addr)
        s = getindex(, addr)
        score = logpdf(d, s)
        add_choice!(ctx, addr, score, s)
        increment!(ctx, score)
        s = rand(d)
        add_choice!(ctx, addr, logpdf(d, s), s)
    return s

so this context records the random choice, as well as performs some bookkeeping with the logpdf which we will use for inference programming. Each of the other contexts define unique interception dispatch to implement functionality required for inference over probabilistic program traces. These can be found here.


The programmer is not expected to interact with these contexts directly. Instead, the programmer can utilize a set of high-level function calls which construct the contexts, run a function call with some arguments in the context, and return useful information (usually, a return value, a bundled record of the call in a CallSite instance, and some other probabilistic metadata). These high-level calls match the same high-level calls in Gen.jl:

(roughly, Gen.jl may change their interfaces, these may also change here - but the ideas behind these interfaces will remain the same)

If you so choose, you may use these high-level interface calls directly on your model functions e.g.

ret, cl = simulate(some_model, args...)

which takes care of constructing a SimulateContext, executing your model with args... in that context, and bundling up the return and a record of that call for you.


Generically, if you're hoping to perform inference, you'll use the APIs from Gen.jl to do that. The direct calls described above are used to implement these APIs. Of course, this means that programs you write using the DSL provided by Jaynes should be compatible with any inference algorithms you express using the Gen APIs.

In practice, Jaynes has been tested with examples for the following inference algorithms from the inference library of Gen.jl:

Examples of usage are available in the examples directory.